People Sell My Contact to Strangers to Beg Me for Money – Don Jazzy

Mavin CEO Don Jazzy Laments over calls he receives on daily basis.

Nigerians knows fully well that Don Jazzy is a giver. People who have access to his contact makes money from selling his phone number to beggars in Lagos.

The Mavin Records team lead has voiced complaints about receiving calls from unknown callers begging for money

The Mavin boss claims that in order to pick some of these odd calls from people, he chose to put his phone in “do not disturb” mode.

He went further to say that, if he kept on doing so, he may lose all of his money.

What He Said:

My phone is forever on ‘Do Not Disturb’ (DND). I know that some people will think that I am cocky or forming but that’s not the point.

“They sell the number so people will just message me for no reason.

When I’m in a good mood and I pick the calls and the conversation is getting longer they will tell you that they bought the number but they can’t tell you who sold it to them,”

“You can lie any stupid lie and I will give you the money but if I continue that way I can go broke.”

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