“What I Do When I Need A Man To Cuddle”- Toke Makinwa

Toke Makinwa (@tokstarr) / Twitter
Toke makinwa mplugng

Media personality, Toke Makinwa has opened up on what she does when she needs a man to cuddle

In here recent talk show,Toke spoke about a lot of things

“My bed is filled with several pillows but I end up sleeping on just one. I love the fact that if there is no man there I cuddle a pillow”.

She went on to say that she prefers a big wedding to a small one, Makinwa recalled that the first time she got married, it was a small wedding. She then added that she prefers a big wedding to a small one.

The first time they married me, they married me inside a room. I prefer a big wedding to a small one”.

The next question she answered was, if she prefers money to love, Toke Mankinwa states emphatically that she prefers money to love.

I prefer love to money. At the end of the day, you can always lose money and make it back. But I love money”.

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