Portable To Goya Menor- I Am Richer Than You

Portable and Goya Menor via mplugng

Goya Menor salvage Portable after Portable drags Goya’s Headies Award win.

The Headies award aftermath is always filled with Savages, Disappointment and Criticism. The latest on social media is the calling out of Goya Menor by Portable.

Goya Menor didn’t take it kindly with Zazoo, responding to Portable’s rant, Goya, through his Instagram page took a hit on Zazoo crooner, claiming that they are not in the same class.

“I’m more blown than you and I have more money – Portable lashed back at Goya Menor as he continues to drag him for winning ” Best Street Hop Artist” at Headies Award.

Portable, who was disqualified, has now aimed several attacks at Goya Menor, claiming he’s more blown and has more money than him.

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