I Love That People Call My Music Afro-Depression – Omah Lay

Sensational music star, Stanley Omah Didia, better known as Omah Lay  has said that he is very happy people tagged his music “Afro-Depression”.

An  interview with Billboard, Omah Lay reaveals that ‘’ he like the way fans described his music. He said,  listeners have formed a connection with his sound and understand its themes and messages he’s trying to pass across.

Omah Lay stated that he finds it fulfilling that his fans have organically identified and described the emotional qualities that characterize his songs.

He said:

“I definitely love it. I love that I started a new movement and my music started something new that I didn’t have to come out and tell people that my music is ‘Afro- Depression’. My fans made it up and I didn’t have to explain…It’s great to witness that I can just make music and the world can decide what it’s and it becomes a movement.”

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